1. Long Tape: Features and Advantages
Size: Usually longer, commonly from 4cm or more.
Target users: Suitable for those who have a large need for hair extensions, thick hair or want to achieve length and coverage quickly.
Save time due to the larger tape, reducing the amount of tape needed.
Increase adhesion, reduce the risk of tape coming loose.
Long tape can create a more visible connection point, especially for thin hair.
Difficult to maneuver in small areas such as hair extensions.
2. Short Tape: Features and Advantages
Size: Usually smaller in length, averaging 2cm to 3cm.
Who should use it: Ideal for those with thin or short hair or who want a natural extension result.
Suitable for small hair extensions, helping to minimize the amount of tape on the hair.
Natural and difficult to detect the connection points.
Easy to repair or adjust as needed.
Need more short tape to achieve the same coverage as long tape.
The operation time may be longer.
3. Which Type of Tape Should You Choose?
Choosing long tape or short tape depends on your needs and hair characteristics:
Thick or long hair: Long tape will be more convenient due to quick coverage and reduced time.
Thin or short hair: Short tape is the optimal choice because of its subtlety and invisibility.
Natural Needs: Short tape is suitable for those who want the connection points to be invisible.
Hopefully the above information will help you choose the most suitable tape for your hair extension needs!